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Single Family Home in Nuuanu Area - Metro Honolulu Oahu
With wide street frontage and a Dickey roof, this home fits snugly into the truly lush tropical landscaping. An original lot of the Nuuanu Valley Park Tract, there is an auwai (a small stream originally used for irrigation by native Hawaiians} running beside the home; this same auwai runs by the Queen Emma Summer Palace located nearby. Designed by Victor Weeks of the local architect firm Welch and Weeks, he oversaw the eco-friendly construction in 2008. From the open front lanai, one steps into another era but one that has been improved with German engineered cherry wood floors, olive green slate counters, slender French doors leading to screened in areas for living and entertaining. There is a comforting spatial scale in every room. From the high ceilings which mirror the Dickey roof, to the modern sliding windows that look old style, there's nothing that is not warmly inviting. A bedroom wing houses two generous bedrooms, one with en suite bath. The kitchen wing has a half wall separation from the main living area and adjoins a spacious dining area surrounded by windows. Even the pantry off the kitchen is thoughtfully designed. This one is a joy to behold!
2854 Park Street Honolulu 96817 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 596-0456
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