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Single Family Home in Manoa-Woodlawn - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Special features abound at this extremely private, estate-sized property on over 19,000 sf in the leafy, green Manoa-Woodlawn neighborhood. A long, curving driveway leads up to the porte-cochere, under which two cars can park side-by-side, then circles back down with no need to reverse. The home has architectural character with mid-century vibes, a spacious layout, and beautiful materials. Upgrades include quality windows, split AC, and PV solar. Two large living areas with wood floors open to the ocean view in front and the gorgeous garden in back. Wide stone terraces with water features allow you to enjoy nature where you hardly even see any other homes. Better yet, the property does not back up against a mountain; there is another street way behind it. The true chef’s kitchen (the owner is a professional) has a corner breakfast area looking out to the trees and birds. Three bedrooms and three baths are on the main floor, and there is a one-bedroom, one-bath apartment downstairs for privacy. Close to town, Manoa Marketplace, the University of Hawaii, and public and private schools, this lovely home in a quiet location is a winner.
3141 Paty Drive Honolulu 96822 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 596-0456
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