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Condo in Kakaako - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Waiea, or "Water of Life", stands as Honolulu's flagship luxury residence in award-winning Ward Village. This 21st-floor 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 2,377 sq.ft. residence has been furnished & modified by Honolulu's Clifford Planning & Architecture, where an enhanced layout opens up the view channel from the kitchen & brings a grand presence to the primary living area. A 366 sq.ft. lanai connects to the main living area through a panoramic sliding door, bringing a new level of indoor/outdoor lifestyle to condominium living. Adding to the sense of high-end living, arrive home via your own private ocean view foyer, unique to a handful of residences. Features include a designer Chef's kitchen with Miele appliances, a resort-style primary suite with double walk-in closets & ultra-luxe en-suite bath, two additional ocean view bedrooms, plus high-end flooring, cabinetry, finishes, & appointments throughout. Honolulu's most convenient upscale neighborhood includes Whole Foods, South Shore Market, & Ward Village's many shops & eateries, with Ala Moana Beach Park directly across the street. Discover a new standard of Honolulu luxury living at Waiea #2101. Photo #3 is a zoomed-in photo.
1118 Ala Moana Boulevard 2101 Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Sachi Hi Pacific Century Prop. (808) 596-8801
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