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Kakaako - Metro Honolulu
A front-row residence in Honolulu's premier luxury tower, Waiea, offering breathtaking views of Diamond Head, Ala Moana Beach, the ocean, & the vibrant city lights of Honolulu. Nearly double the size of other villas, this extraordinary home boasts a striking design by renowned architect James Cheng, interiors by acclaimed designer Tony Ingrao, & bespoke furnishings from Cantoni. Perfectly crafted for entertaining, the villa spans five levels. The elegant ground floor features a lap pool, outdoor kitchen, & dining area. An expansive kitchen flows into a spacious great room, complemented by a private two-car garage. A grand staircase and glass elevator leads to the second floor, which houses the guest suites. The third floor is dedicated to the luxurious primary suite, office, lounge, oversized closets, & a spa-like bath. The fourth and fifth floors are designed for entertaining, with a soaring two-story living room, chic bar, formal dining room, & a professional-grade prep kitchen. The top floor features a lounge that opens to a lanai, ideal for large gatherings or intimate sunset views & has the option to add a fifth bedroom. *Property details may not match tax records.
1118 Ala Moana Boulevard 1 Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life (800) 370-3848
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