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Kakaako - Metro Honolulu
At Victoria Place, this residence captures a rare perspective where Honolulu’s ocean, sky, & city converge, creating a tranquil refuge from cosmopolitan life. Floor-to-ceiling glass stretches across the entire (86 linear feet) front of the building, framing sweeping views of the Pacific by day & a shoreline aglow with city lights at night. Positioned in the prestigious front row of Ward Village, this four-bedroom, four-and-a-half-bathroom combo unit with four parking stalls is one of a limited number of its kind—a rare offering that balances urban vibrancy with the serenity of a private sanctuary. Designed in collaboration with Lauren Rammer Designs & furnished by Lined Up Resources, this residence is being offered turnkey & also features a notable portfolio of fine art curated by Tusha Buntin Fine Art Services, including Mid Century & classic Hawaiian artists including Tadashi Sato, Jerry Okimoto, Harry Tsuchidana, John Young, Toshiko Takaezu & many more. With thoughtfully curated amenities, security, on-site management, & proximity to Ward Park & Kewalo Harbor, this residence is both a sanctuary & a gateway to the vibrancy of Honolulu’s most dynamic neighborhood.
1100 Ala Moana Boulevard 1000/1001 Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life (800) 667-5028
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