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Condo in Kakaako - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Ko'ula is a stunning luxurious building in Kaka'ako! There is upgraded wood flooring throughout the unit inlcuding the bedrooms and an EV Charging Station already wired with cover plate & 2 covered parking on the 2nd floor! Window treatments are already installed, dark out shades in bedrooms and a lighter see through shade in the living room. Top of the line Miele appliances in your unit. Compare this unit to other "07" units and never been lived in too! Once you walk into the main lobby, you will want to live at Ko'ula and make this your home! Everyone room has breathtaking views of the ocean and sunset at end of day. Relax & unwind on your open lanai too! The resort-style amenities on the 8th floor has you and/or your friends thinking, lets schedule another get together! There are also four guest suites at Ko'ula should you want your friends staying at Ko'ula. The Victoria Ward Park is another great place for one to enjoy and the future walkway overpass to Ala Moana Beach Park will be an added bonus. The future will be at Ward Village Kaka'ako with lots of activities, minutes to Ala Moana Shop Center, theatre, restaurants galore and shop till you drop.
1000 Auahi Street 2907 Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Island Pacific Real Estate Llc (808) 593-7705
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