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Condo in Kakaako - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Koula #2006 faces Diamond Head, offering azure ocean views. Pride of ownership shines in the impeccable maintenance of the unit. Every detail has been carefully tended to, ensuring a luxurious and comfortable living experience. Step out onto your private lanai, just off the living room. Here, you can savor a morning cup of coffee or unwind in the evening with a gentle tropical breeze. It's the perfect spot to enjoy life's simple pleasures. This condo offers an array of amenities that elevate your lifestyle: Swimming Pool with Jacuzzi, Indoor Gym and Outdoor Exercise Area, Spacious Party Rooms, Saunas and Treatment Room, Guest Rooms to accommodate off-shore visitors comfortably, and more. The high-tech “Latch electronic door locks" are also in place. Koula enjoys a coveted position right next to a 3-acre Victoria Ward Park. Imagine walking on a meticulously manicured lawn, shaded by tall palm trees, stretching toward Kewalo Basin and Ala Moana Beach Park. Ward Village spans 60-acres and is walkable neighborhood where convenience meets luxury. Explore the flagship Whole Foods Market, indulge in diverse eateries, and access essential services - all within easy reach.
1000 Auahi Street 2006 Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 596-0456
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