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Single Family Home
Makakilo-Kahiwelo - Makakilo
Escape to your private oasis in beautiful Makakilo. Nestled in the prime location of Kahiwelo, this stunning single-story home offers breathtaking views of mountains, city, ocean, & Diamond Head. Experience your ultimate retreat while relaxing outdoors with your favorite beverage or while entertaining family & friends. Interior features beautiful ceramic tiles and plantation shutters in the living room for hassle-free maintenance; a remodeled kitchen (2020) w/Quartz countertops, touchless faucet, soft-close cabinets, pull-out drawers, & custom lazy susan w/ a pull-out shelf for convenient storage. Remodeled enclosed lanai (2022) perfect for relaxing & enjoying the outdoors, rain or shine. Freshly painted interior showcases pride of ownership. Your home features a landscaped backyard w/ a variety of fruit trees (oranges/grapefruit/tangerine/tangelo/dragon fruit/figs/lemons/limes). Garage boosts extra storage & custom retractable garage screen door. Live sustainably w/18 owned PV panels & two energy storage batteries. This home has it all. Don't miss an opportunity to own a piece of paradise. Schedule a viewing soon & experience the serenity & luxury of this exceptional property!
92-2006 Kulihi Street Kapolei 96707 is listed Courtesy of Fathom Realty Hi Llc (808) 479-7712
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