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Condo in Makaha - Leeward Oahu
Paradise found in this gated country retreat in serene and beautifully landscaped Makaha Valley Plantation. Enjoy peace and security in your beautifully renovated home including refinished hardwood floors in the living/dining/kitchen areas, white shaker cabinets and granite counters, stainless steel appliances, and updated fixtures throughout. One of the best values in the complex with views out to the soothing blues of the ocean, fiery evening skies, and majestic Makaha mountains as its backdrop. This unit makes for a wonderful second home or rental, tucked away off a quieter road, but convenient to the pool and rec area. Delight in the sights and sounds of strutting peacocks nearby, work up a sweat at the pickleball/tennis courts before you cool off at the pool, or opt to hike or surf at world class beaches just minutes away. Nearby amenities include Tamura's for groceries; CVS Longs for drugstore basics; The Beach House 604, Coquito's, Hannara's, or Lanterns and more for great eats; and Waianae Comp for medical needs. A 20 minute drive takes you to Ko'Olina Resorts, with Kapolei and Costco just a couple of exits after that. Make the move to beautiful Makaha Valley today!
84-707 Kiana Place 103B Waianae 96792 is listed Courtesy of Locations Llc (808) 735-4200
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