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Condo in Punaluu - Kaneohe Oahu
PRICED TO SELL!! Own your piece of paradise at this ocean front complex in Punaluu! Fully renovated from floor to ceiling with quartz counters, soft close cabinets, new LVP flooring, fixtures and equipped with a full size dishwasher and interior washer & dryer. This is a location that will ensure a lifestyle balance with a beachfront pool, BBQ area to cook your dinner or have friends over, relax or look for shells in the sandy beach front, snorkel & paddle board in your backyard. It’s just a short drive to world class surfing and now Crouching Lion Restaurant and bar that recently re-opened! This building has 100% hurricane insurance and is VA approved. Currently the building is under a makeover with a new rock wall being installed, fresh exterior paint, followed by new paved parking and landscaping. Plus other major work already completed. Bring all offers!
53-567 Kamehameha Highway 206 Hauula 96717 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty (808) 725-2794
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