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Single Family Home in Kapuna Hala - Kaneohe Oahu
Welcome to this less than 2 year old Single Family home nestled in picturesque Kane’ohe. This move-in-ready 5 bedroom, 3 bath home offers over 2,300 square feet of meticulously crafted living space, providing the perfect canvas for multi-generational living or potential rental income with 3 Bedrms, 2 Bath and a full kitchen upstairs, and 2 Bedrms, 1 Bath and wet bar downstairs. This home boasts Quartz countertops, soft close cabinets, stainless steel appliances, and ceramic tinted windows upstairs for privacy and UV protection. Also featuring a new modern custom aluminum carport, solar/electronic front gate, and turf plus a small grassy area for your pets. With a very low maintenance exterior and no renovations or updates necessary, all you need to do is unpack to start enjoying the comforts of home. Location is key, and this home's prime location near the beautiful Ko'olau Mountains offers the perfect balance of natural beauty and urban convenience. Enjoy stunning mountain views right from your doorstep, or take a short drive to explore the nearby hiking trails and outdoor recreational activities. Easy access to freeway entrances takes you to Honolulu in about 20 minutes.
45-701 Keneke Street Kaneohe 96744 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life (800) 370-3848
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