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Single Family Home in Haiku Village - Kaneohe Oahu
This beautifully remodeled home in the desirable Haiku Village neighborhood offers 4 bedrooms, 2 baths with two spacious living rooms, as well as a 1 bedroom, 1 bath space with wet bar in the rear with separate entrance. Tucked at the base of Ko'olau Mountains with magnificent close-up views that will take your breath away, this energy efficient home has a 22-panel photovoltaic (PV) system, with rare net metering, which is no longer available. The large eat-in kitchen has ample cabinet space and even a gas stove! The home's upstairs was recently renovated with all new luxury vinyl plank flooring and a remodeled primary bathroom. Outside, a large, covered lanai is perfect for barbecues and entertaining and leads to an expansive greenbelt for your enjoyment. This convenient location has easy access to all the major highways and is just a short distance to world-famous Kailua Beach. Enjoy everything Kaneohe has to offer: restaurants, shopping, the Windward Mall, farmers markets, hiking and boating, or take a trek from here along the Windward Coast to the North Shore and visit the famous surf spots. For VA buyers, there is an assumable mortgage on this property.
45-470 Lolii Street Kaneohe 96744 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 738-3904
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