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Condo in Kukilakila - Kailua Oahu
Step into comfort in this rare single level remodeled 2 bedroom, 1 bath + one extra vanity nestled within the coveted Kukilakila lakefront community in charming Kailua. Bathrooms have two brand-new vanities, new fixtures complemented by fresh interior paint that infuses every corner with a sense of rejuvenation and style. Enjoy new fans and light fixtures thoughtfully integrated throughout the home. Embrace the serene ambiance of the covered lanai, where French doors beckon you to step outside and unwind amidst the fenced garden area to enjoy dining or simply relax in the tranquility of your private outdoor space. Attached two-car garage, offers ample space for your vehicles, laundry area with sink and storage needs. With Toto toilet, an LG washer and dryer, and an energy-saving heat pump water heater, ensuring efficiency and convenience in every aspect of daily living. Indulge in the amenities of the Kukilakila community, including a heated pool, clubhouse, park-like grounds, and picturesque lakefront walking paths. Ample guest parking ensures that loved ones and friends can visit. Conveniently situated near shopping, restaurants, and the charming beach town of Kailua. Come see!
591 Keolu Drive D Kailua 96734 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty (808) 725-2794
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