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Condo in Kailua Town - Kailua Oahu
Fabulous one of a kind three bedroom, two bath with two separate entries, two lanais- one covered off the main living area and a rooftop deck with built-in wet bar, two side by side convenient parking spaces plus a roomy storage locker. This is a prime location in Windward Harbour with stunning views, privacy and so close to the elevator right into your hale. Enjoy the peaceful sound of waterfalls along with an oasis of koi ponds, natural light, colorful landscaping, canal & striking mountains views. Every hour is Happy Hour taking in the beauty of magical Kailua. This condo offers the MOST generous square footage around and an open floorplan that boasts a large primary bedroom on the first level with an en suite bath that is wheelchair accessible, double sinks, vanity area and a walk-in closet with a safe. The second level has its own entry from the 4th floor includes a 2 bedroom and full bath. Beautiful built-in entertainment center, updated kitchen with Corian counters and custom cabinets, wet bar, laundry room and so much storage space in this hidden gem. Everything you could want with a 1st class building that includes pool, spa, tennis, recreation area and club house.
1030 Aoloa Place 303A Kailua 96734 is listed Courtesy of Homequest Llc (808) 261-1470
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