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Single Family Home in Kailua Bluffs - Kailua Oahu
ASSUMABLE VA LOAN at 2.75%. BEAUTIFUL custom home built in 2001 in highly desirable Kailua Bluffs. Generously remodeled in 2022 with a serene island aesthetic & luxurious spacious floorplan. Indulgent private primary suite with expansive glass doors opening to a private relaxation deck & new Jacuzzi hot tub. Perfect for your pau hana hot tub soak & watching shooting stars under a hula moon. Enjoy private serene views of the terraced yard & undeveloped natural area behind the parcel. Upscale finishes & fixtures. Lovely bamboo flooring. Spacious open rooms with plantation shutters throughout. One room is a flex-space atelier with a private lanai & separate entrance; ideal for work, home-school, or an in-home gym. Multiple gathering places throughout the home are perfect for home activities, entertaining, & quiet time. Outdoor second terrace with gorgeous Olomana & sunset views features a lanai deck perfect for al fresco dining, play, & entertaining. PV with 36 owned panels & the highly coveted NET METER. Newer split ACs, new interior paint (partial), laundry, utility room, attached 2 car garage w overhead storage. Dragon fruit, orange, pomelo, calamansi & guava. Home Warranty.
1617 Kanapuu Drive Kailua 96734 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 262-3104
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