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Single Family Home in Kapolei - Ewa Plain Oahu
Welcome home to this charming and rarely available single-level property in beautiful Nehoa in Kumuiki! This well-maintained, plantation style home is being sold by the original owners, features an open floor plan with split ACs throughout, as well as an additional mud room for your convenience! Cabinetry in kitchen have been refreshed and repainted, and a brand-new range hood has been installed. Both bathrooms have also recently been renovated and remodeled. Envision relaxing on your front porch surrounded by a clean & well-kept manicured front lawn, showcasing colorful & vibrant tropical plants and flowers; your very own sprinkler system will help keep your lawn green all year long! Pull into your 2-car garage complete with a fully replaced Aluminum garage door, and installed Chamberlain system and torsion bar. This property boasts lots of extra storage space, including an attic, and includes a RING system/doorbell for extra peace of mind. Enjoy all the amenities your Association has to offer as well! Conveniently located near freeway access, public transportation, Wal-Mart, shops, eateries, recreation, & more! Come see everything this property has to offer; it could be the one!
91-1021 Haawina Street Kapolei 96707 is listed Courtesy of Point Of Sail Realty (808) 485-1832
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