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Condo in Kapolei-Mehana-Awakea - Ewa Plain Oahu
Seize this incredible opportunity in Kapolei! A rare, very low ASSUMABLE 2.375% rate VA loan ($2869.28/mo PITI) is available to a veteran* for this immaculate, move-in ready 2-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom townhome in Awakea at Mehana. Meticulously upgraded, the home boasts Luxury Vinyl Wide Plank flooring, 4-inch baseboards, custom pantry and linen closet shelving, bedroom closet organizers, two Daiken Split AC units, a GE microwave, LG stackable washer/dryer, keypad entry locks & more! Garage storage racks were added for convenience. Located in a prime spot, Experience the convenience of living near schools, beaches, rail stations, local shops, parks (dog friendly) with walking paths, a community pool, tot lot, & basketball court. The neighborhood is centrally located near Ka Makana Alii Mall, Kapolei Village Center, Kapolei Commons, Costco, Target, Down to Earth, Home Depot, Satellite City Hall, Ko Olina & Disney Resort, University of Hawaii West Oahu campus, and more. This vibrant community features small businesses and units with flex spaces. Discover your new home in this lovely neighborhood in Hawaii! *assumption is contingent upon the seller's VA eligibility being released.
540 Manawai Street 504 Kapolei 96707 is listed Courtesy of The Agency-Oahu
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