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Single Family Home in Kapolei Knolls - Ewa Plain Oahu
Welcome to Kapolei Knolls in the Second City of Kapolei. This totally remodeled residence is a rare find: two bedrooms on the main upstairs level with two full baths and two bedrooms and a full bath downstairs in the lower level- which could be used as multi-generational living or even rental income. Currently the lower level is partitioned off, but the temporary door can be easily removed. Owners meticulously upgraded everything including all quartz countertops throughout the main kitchen, the wet bar downstairs and all the bathrooms. The main bathroom offers a walk-in shower. All baths have ceramic tile enclosures. Manufactured waterproof laminate flooring makes for easy cleaning. There are six split A/Cs and every room has a ceiling fan. The generous 7000 sq ft lot offers many opportunities including terracing and installing a gazebo for entertaining or gardening. The Second City of Kapolei is a planned community and has such amenities as a Walmart and dining just minutes away. Explore the world-class beaches of Oahu's West coast and the Koolina resort. Easy freeway access. VA approved. Both upstairs and downstairs have their own washer and dryer.
91-1086 Paaoloulu Way Kapolei 96707 is listed Courtesy of Soldier To Soldier Hi Realty KenGines@FlatFee5000Hawaii.com
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