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Single Family Home
Hoakalei-Kuapapa - Ewa Plain
This beautifully built Model 60.40 home in Kuapapa at Hoakalei features 5 spacious BR & 4.5 BA, with stunning views of the golf course. Equipped with 39 OWNED PV panels, this home is both elegant & energy efficient. As you enter, you'll be greeted by soaring ceilings, a striking chandelier, & grand sweeping staircase. The home is filled with natural light, thanks to numerous windows adorned w/ plantation shutters throughout. The gourmet kitchen offers granite countertops, high-end SS appliances, & ample cabinetry for storage. The primary suite includes an additional room upon entry & a private walkway leading to a large second-story lanai with breathtaking golf course views. One-bedroom, full BA and a half BA are conveniently located on the main floor. The main level features beautiful, engineered hardwood floors, while the second floor is equipped w/ laminate flooring. The home also includes a 2-car garage, a single garage, & additional driveway space for parking. The HOA fees cover cable/internet, with access to community swimming pool/hot tub & Wai Kai Hale Club. Just minutes away from shopping, dining, schools, beaches, & the Wai Kai waterfront area w/ its unique attractions.
91-1044 Kai Oio Street Ewa Beach 96706 is listed Courtesy of Island Sun Real Estate Pros (808) 784-1818
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