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Single Family Home in Ewa Gen Parkside - Ewa Plain Oahu
VA Assumption eligible with 2.875% rate and LOW GAP! Welcome to this fabulous and well-maintained Parkside home. This 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath home has endless features including a large suite with luxurious en-suite bathroom complete with a soaker tub and dual vanity sinks. Enjoy the park, sunrise/sunset, and firework views. There is an upstairs bonus space, perfect for a second living room or office. The home includes 12 owned PV solar panels, a solar water heater, and a Vivint security system. Kitchen appliances, washer/dryer, projector, and dehumidifier are all included! Enjoy outdoor living with a private yard, no back neighbors, and a covered lanai. The 2-car garage with an extended driveway allows parking for four vehicles. Nestled in a welcoming community, this property is just steps from the kid- and pet-friendly Laulani Park and offers access to walking and biking paths. Parkside has a beautiful private pool with cabanas and easy access to parks, schools, shopping, dining, golf courses, and nearby beaches. This low-maintenance home in a prime location is an opportunity you don’t want to miss!
91-6221 Kapolei Parkway 314 Ewa Beach 96706 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Pacific Realty Group (808) 227-5456
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