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Single Family Home
Ewa Gen Coral Ridge - Ewa Plain
Your Slice of Paradise awaits you... This is the home you've been waiting for and it's coming to you overlooking the Coral Creek Golf Course in Ewa. Perfect with 4-bedrooms, 3 baths, this home sits on an elevated lot in "Coral Ridge" giving picturesque views. From the moment you walk in your front door, you will see rolling green hills, water and mountain peaks with sunrise & sunsets from the 16th hole. The kitchen offers newer stainless appliances, spacious countertop space for entertaining and plenty of storage. Wake up to pristine views from your primary ensuite with a bath, walk-in closet and storage. The versatile floorplan includes a bedroom & bath for guest on the 1st floor and a loft/sitting area on the 2nd floor can be used as a library, office/home-school space. Other features include 21-owned PV panels, 2-tesla storage batteries, stainless steel appliances, upgraded LVP flooring, central A/C, water softener and more. Only a handful of these homes that line the golf course come for sale, so hurry now to see. This home sparkles with true pride of ownership and is ready for you to start living your best life ever! 1-year home warranty included.
91-1115 Hokua Street Ewa Beach 96706 is listed Courtesy of Locations Llc (808) 735-4200
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