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Single Family Home in Ewa Beach - Ewa Plain Oahu
SELLER OFFERS HELP TO FIGHT HIGH INTEREST RATES WITH 3-2-1 TEMPORARY BUY-DOWN ON FULL LIST OFFER: INTEREST RATES COULD RANGE 4.5% - 6%. Amazing Sandy Hawaiian beach & the blue Pacific offer a breathtaking oasis. BEACH HOUSE RENTALS or a PRIVATE RETREAT makes a great playground for fishing, boating, surfing, & entertaining. TWO permitted detached homes offer multi-gen living, or live in one/rent the other, or rent both to maximize income. Front home, built in 1985, is a 3-bdrm, 2-full baths with 2-car carport, W/D, spacious yard. The original beachfront home opens up to majestic ocean & Diamond Head views. Rich old Hawai’i charms embrace this 3-bdrm 2.5-bath home w/2-car enclosed garage. Meticulous front & back landscaping makes entertaining a breeze. Areca, MacArthur, Fern Podocarpus, elegant Silver Button trees, Manila Palms, & Tangelo fruit trees adorn the lot. Ewa's lifestyle sports 8 nearby golf courses & 3 shopping centers and WAI KAI WAVE PARK. Unobstructed panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean, Diamond Head, City, Sunrise, Sunset as well as direct access to the sandy beach. See Supplements for Video. No HOA. MOTIVATED SELLERS. Shown by APPT w/24-hour notice.
91-237 Ewa Beach Road Ewa Beach 96706 is listed Courtesy of 20 Degrees North Real Estate (808) 388-5555
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