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Single Family Home in Ewa Beach - Ewa Plain Oahu
The perfect beach house for social events & gatherings. Stunning views of Waikiki, Diamond Head, Ocean & Mountains. 4 bedrooms; 2 upstairs with full bathrooms & 2 downstairs share full walk in shower. High end appliances & soft close cabinets throughout. Pull out cabinets drawers throughout the kitchen & large pantry. Travertine flooring on first floor, except 2 bedrooms. Matching granite throughout. Newer high efficiency Split AC/Heater systems in each bedroom & main living area. 2 newer solar powered attic ventilation fans. Photovotaic system (44 Panels) at $70K is privately owned & paid for, with a newer solar water heater system. Electricity $25-$30 a month. Car charger in garage. In ground Sprinklers with all newer valves. Interlocking Garage Floor Tiles. Pristine white sand beach right at property with infrequent Monk Seals resting overnight. Private road with no street parking & Private walk way to beach for 24 residential units. Gladiator cabinets in garage are excluded; however, can be negotiated, as well as furniture. Mature Coconut, fig, and Dragon Fruit Trees. In ground sprinkler system. Property sold "As Is".
91-069 FT WEAVER RD. #11 Fort Weaver Road 11 Ewa Beach 96706 is listed Courtesy of Pacific Century Realty (808) 721-0700
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