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Single Family Home in Waialae Iki - Diamond Head Oahu
Situated on an idyllic tree-lined street on lower Waialae Iki, sits this spacious 4 bedroom, 3 bath home. As you enter the front gate, you are greeted by an open courtyard that lends itself well for outdoor entertainment. A spacious eat-in kitchen with ample storage fills the entry level and a few steps below is the living and dining area with high vaulted ceilings and floor-to-ceiling windows that beautifully frame mature plumeria trees and peek-a-boo ocean views. A sliding glass door leads you out to the backyard, perfect for someone with a love of gardening. Two guest bedrooms with an adjacent den opens to a deck to enjoy views of the Ocean, Sunset and Diamond Head. The third bedroom has French doors that open to a covered lanai and sits next to the second guest bath. Head upstairs to the primary bedroom, bath and bonus room which could easily serve as an office or 5th bedroom and has the best views of the Ocean and iconic Diamond Head. The home feels surprisingly large and offers flexibility depending on how you live. Ideal location within minutes to freeway access, beach/surf, shopping and dining. Seller has a VA Loan at about 4% which may be assumable--call for details.
4933 Waa Street Honolulu 96821 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life (800) 370-3848
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