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Single Family Home
Waialae Iki - Diamond Head
PRICE IMPROVEMENT! Corner lot on Laukahi Park’s highest elevation point, with access to the garden right at your footsteps! Breathtaking panoramic sunrise and sunset views of Diamond Head and ocean from this rarely available custom spec home designed and completely renovated by Ferguson-Liaw architects in 2005. Located atop a prime .25 acre corner lot in the security patrolled neighborhood of Waialae Iki IV. The designer kitchen incorporates whole slab Italian granite countertops, high grade Italian glass with yellow effect, Viking refrigerator and stove top, Wolf double oven and drawer warmer, Miele dishwasher, and Vent made by Zephry. In addition, the custom features throughout the interior include solid maple hardwood floors, maple cabinetry, extra large Fleetwood windows, cast iron spa tubs, Tech lighting, as well as Grohe, Hansgrohe, and Kohler plumbing fixtures, and many more! On the market for the first time since being fully renovated. Recent upgrades include addition of the 32 panel PV system and 4 Tesla batteries, with two rooftop solar fans. Conveniently located close to Kahala Mall, Waialae Country Club, Kahala Hotel and Beach, world-class retail, and easy access to H1
1735 Laukahi Street Honolulu 96821 is listed Courtesy of Real Select International Llc (808) 955-5554
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