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Single Family Home in Maunalani Heights - Diamond Head Oahu
Perched atop Maunalani Heights like the crown jewel on Her Majesty, this could be your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own a unique Ossipoff home in a highly sought-after location. This enchanting, single-story residence, with a well-hidden private driveway, offers unobstructed views of Kahala, Diamond Head, and Waikiki extending to the sparkling ocean, reminiscent of Royalty surveying their splendid realm. This home, designed by the renowned architect Vladimir Ossipoff, embodies his celebrated modernist approach. His work seamlessly integrates mid-century modern aesthetics with a profound respect for the natural environment while creating a harmonious blend of indoor and outdoor living spaces that have inspired architects for generations. As you relax by the pool you will be blessed with breathtaking sunsets concluding each day; enhancing the sense of tranquility and connection with nature. Make this extraordinary home yours today. Listing includes enhanced, zoomed-in photos.
5112 Maunalani Circle Honolulu 96816 is listed Courtesy of Sachi Hi Pacific Century Prop. (808) 596-8801
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