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Single Family Home
Kahala-Black Point - Diamond Head
Situated in a small enclave of homes behind the private, gated Black Point entry, lies this exceptional property. Originally built in 1929 and continuously remodeled, showcasing a unique blend of classic charm and sophisticated comfort. Favorably elevated atop over half an acre with an impressive 200 linear feet of ocean frontage, offering breathtaking coastline views towards iconic Koko Head. Soak in the tranquility of the ocean on the large spacious deck or meander down the private pathway carved through the dense border of Naupaka to touch the water's edge. Rare Koa wood floors and accents flow throughout, with oversized glass picture windows in every room. Two primary suites, completed by a versatile media room and an office that could easily be transformed into additional bedrooms. The expansive great room with vaulted ceilings flows into an outdoor garden lanai, surrounded by lush mature tropical landscaping and elegant lava stone walls. A sunken living room adjoining the great room draws you ever closer to the captivating Pacific Blue. Positioned in a prime location beside the world-famous community saltwater pool, offering both convenience and a special touch of luxury.
4157 Black Point Road Honolulu 96816 is listed Courtesy of Corcoran Pacific Properties (808) 589-2040
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