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Single Family Home
Diamond Head - Diamond Head
This property will meet every detail on your client's wish list & more--a true rarity that stands out in detail's market. Experience the epitome of midcentury modern living at La Pietra, a palm-fringed oasis nestled on 5.5 acres of the historic Dillingham Estate, bordered by Kapiolani Park & Diamond Head. The luxurious redesign blends modern style with Hawaiian materials to preserve the original character of the home & includes Shinnoki oak & glass cabinetry, chandeliers handmade in France, European oak flooring, custom wallpaper & a chef’s kitchen w luxury appliances, a wine fridge, & Consentino quartzite slab counters. The spa-like baths are equipped with Toto washlet & toilets, luxury rainfall shower heads & Calacatta stone. Step outside to the largest private yard in the complex consisting of 1680 sq' of land, facing Diamond Head. Lush professional landscaping featuring native & rare Hawaiian plants, a water feature & Puka lava stairs & sidewalk. The attached carport provides 2 parking spaces & the gated complex offers 16 guest spaces & security 6 days a week, ensuring peace of mind. This home is on the historic registration, adding to its charm & cultural significance.
3086 La Pietra Circle 17 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Caron B Realty (808) 593-9826
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