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Single Family Home
Diamond Head - Diamond Head
Located in the coveted Diamond Head neighborhood, this contemporary home features modern amenities in a classic enclave of Oahu. Completely remodeled in 2024, this SFH + 2-story dwelling totals 6BD/4.5BA w 3car parking. Each dwelling has separate meter & indiv address 3007 & 3007A Hibiscus Dr. Enter the striking double-height glass entrance enlightened by mother-of-pearl honeycomb chandeliers. The open layout of LIV/DIN is divided by dual-sided electronic fireplace w addl lounge perfect to entertain or relax. A vast chef’s kitchen is feat. w gourmet Thermodor appliances + cleverly designed walk-in pantry. Vaulted shiplap ceilings on upper level transforms primary BD w walk-in closet feat. custom cabinetry & enhanced w luxurious ensuite. The 2nd dwelling nestled behind primary residence showcases 1BD/1BA on each level inspired by upstairs private lanai. Both dwellings collectively boast Fleetwood sliders, Cambria & Silestone countertops, hardwood flooring, Italian porcelain tiles, custom cabinets & closet systems and Mitsubishi ACs incl cassette, central & split systems. A perfect combination of modern luxury & exquisite design are exemplified in this inspiring & inviting residence.
3007 Hibiscus Drive Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Agora Hawaii (808) 800-4152
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