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Single Family Home in Aina Haina Area - Diamond Head Oahu
You will fall in love with this immaculate property that shows like a model home. Completely remodeled with no detail overlooked. It is absolutely move in ready. Located on a peaceful corner in Aina Haina Valley on a 9,214sf lot, featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a 2-car garage and room in the driveway for 2 additional vehicles. The open floor plan is complimented by lots of natural light as well as a large, covered lanai perfect for indoor/outdoor living and fantastic for entertaining. There is a very private, nicely landscaped yard with multiple avocado, tangerine, lime, mountain apples trees, and awesome mountain views. Kitchen upgrades include custom Sapele wood cabinets, Monkey-Pod island, concrete countertops, and high-end SS appliances. Additional features include 20 owned PV panels, split A/C, modern bathrooms with tiled walk-in showers, refinished oak hardwood floors, outdoor shower, vinyl windows, Fleetwood sliding door, new electrical, new plumbing, and more… You need to see it to believe it, make your appointment fast. You can also preview your future home via our online tour.
938 Ahuwale Street Honolulu 96821 is listed Courtesy of Compass (808) 825-4277
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