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Condo in - North Kona Hawaii
Don't wait! Stay at your own vacation rental when you come to Hawaii and let the unit pay for itself when you aren't here! Over $140k in income in the past 2 years.
The desirable Keauhou Kona Surf & Racquet Club is a gated, Oceanfront complex with in the area of Keauhou. Shopping, Dining, Movie Theatre and Farmers Markets are all within a short drive.
This very active vacation rental includes:
* Split A/C throughout the unit.
* Remodeled Kitchen with Granite Counters.
* Remodeled Bathrooms
* Beautiful furnishings included.
* All the small kitchen appliances, towels etc. to support an active vacation rental.
* Large lanai faces south for sun and tropical breezes.
The complex includes:
* Remodeled pool with large Clubhouse.
* 3 lighted tennis courts
* Volleyball court
* BBQ areas
* There are numerous archaeological sites in the complex. These preserved areas provide a glimpse of the past Hawaiian life.
To the north of the complex you will find an accessible black sand beach. Kahalu'u snorkeling area is 1/3 mile north on Alii Drive from the complex as well. Keauhou Bay is nearby for fantastic water sports. Golf anyone? Literally minutes away as well.
Maintenance Fees include:
Water, Sewer, Internet, Cable, Trash, Grounds Maintenance, On-site Manager
78-6800 Alii Dr 8202 Kailua-Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices Hawaii Island Properties
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