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Single Family Home in - North Hilo Hawaii
Welcome to the unique and exceptional property located on Mamalahoa Highway in the serene community of Ninole. This expansive estate spans 12.69 acres of rich, deep soil, providing an excellent opportunity for agricultural pursuits or a multi-family residence. Nestled within this fertile land are three distinct homes, all built between 1986-1988, offering a total of 8 bedrooms & 5 bathrooms. One of the standout features of this property is its versatile warehouse, which can serve as a central hub for a variety of activities. Whether you're looking to start a business, establish a farm, or create a communal area for multiple families, retreats, classes, this area is perfect for packing fruits or processing any crops grown on this abundant land. The property also holds a well producing lychee orchard with other fruit producing trees making it an ideal setting for the agricultural enthusiasts or those looking to cultivate their own food supply. The extreme fertility of the soil ensures that whatever you plant will thrive. Privacy is paramount here, providing a tranquil retreat from the hustle & bustle of everyday life. Lets not forget the breathtaking ocean views that can be enjoyed from various vantage points on the property. Embrace the opportunity to live, work, and grow in this beautiful and bountiful environment.
31-469 Old Mamalahoa Highway Ninole 96773 is listed Courtesy of Re/Max Properties
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