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Single Family Home
- Lihue
NO PRIVATE SHOWINGS UNTIL AFTER FIRST OPEN HOUSE: Open House: Sunday (4/7) 2-5pm. Hold onto your hats…get ready to be blown away, your home jackpot is here! Imagine walking into a beautifully upgraded single-level house that's priced under $900K, it's yours for the taking! Inside, you'll find a stunning kitchen with fancy quartz countertops and brand-new cabinets that close softly. It's equipped with all the latest appliances: BLACK STAINLESS stove, fridge, dishwasher, and microwave hood…perfect for cooking and having guests over. The whole house shines with cool new LED lights and fixtures throughout. They don't just save energy, they make everything look modern and bright, giving the place a fresh vibe. Both bathrooms have received a stunning upgrade, featuring sleek custom tile shower walls and brand-new vanities complete with sinks. Say goodbye to hours of cleaning, this gem boasts vinyl floors that are both durable and easy to maintain, ensuring your home stays looking its best with minimal effort. This home has also been freshly painted both inside and out, giving it a vibrant and renewed appearance. Stepping outside, you'll have your own private space, thanks to a brand-new vinyl fence that keeps everything secure and secluded. This is the perfect spot for relaxing or having fun with friends and family. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity! Come see it for yourself before someone else grabs it!
1974 Nana Pali St Lihue 96766 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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