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Condo in Kahului - Central Maui Maui
You'll never see an upgraded condo unit like this at Harbor Lights. Perfectly priced and worth every penny, you won't believe your eyes. The previous renovation will have your jaw dropping. The description alone won't do the condo unit any justice until you see this for yourself. Comes with parking stall #378. - Interior Cherry Wood Doors for Bedrooms and Baths w/Smoked Glass inlay - Mirrored Closet Doors in Bedrooms - Dropped Ceiling with Surround Sound Theater hook-up - Built-in Window Storage doubles as Living Room Seating - Hardwood Pergo Flooring throughout Bedrooms and Living Room Area - Custom Concrete Kitchen Counter Top - Brand Name Appliances - Diamond Kitchen Cabinets w/soft close feature The list goes on and on as the details in the unit are just absolutely stunning
111 Kahului Beach Rd A107 Kahului 96732 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty Cell: 808-250-4289
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