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Single Family Home
Makawao/Olinda/Haliimaile - Upcountry Maui
The Lindal Cedar Chalet, your private upcountry oasis awaits! A serene island retreat nestled amidst a private gulch in a breathtaking old-growth eucalyptus forest. This charming getaway is a true haven for outdoor enthusiasts, offering unparalleled access to adventure and natural beauty. Amazing potential opportunity to also own the adjacent parcel of land with it's own TMK for a total of 1.14 acres! Just a 5-minute drive away, the Makawao Forest Reserve awaits, boasting world-class mountain biking trails and incredible hiking paths for all levels. The home’s location, at approximately 3,000 feet elevation, provides a cooler, more temperate climate, perfect for enjoying the best of Maui’s upcountry lifestyle. After an exhilarating day exploring the great outdoors, unwind in the warmth of your one-of-a-kind 17.5-foot Malam Imperial carousel fireplace – the stunning centerpiece of this cozy estate. The home is bathed in natural light, with abundant windows framing tranquil views of the surrounding forest and even glimpses of the Pacific Ocean. Designed for those who love to live and play in nature, this property seamlessly blends adventure with relaxation. Ample storage ensures space for all your gear, while the peaceful setting offers a retreat like no other. Whether you’re hiking, biking, or simply soaking in the serenity, The Cedar Chalet is your gateway to Maui’s outdoor paradise.
1733 Piiholo Rd Makawao 96768 is listed Courtesy of Century 21 Island Homes
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