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Single Family Home
Spreckelsville/Paia/Kuau - North Shore Maui
This stunning beachfront property on Maui’s North Shore offers a charming European-style home tucked away at the end of a quiet road in the peaceful town of Paia/Kuau. Enter through the main gate to discover a serene courtyard featuring an elegant fountain, a pool, tile roof, stucco siding, and a Romeo and Juliet balcony above, creating an inviting atmosphere perfect for entertaining. The spacious 4-bedroom, 5-bathroom main house is thoughtfully designed with a chef’s kitchen providing some of Maui's best oceanviews, a comfortable living room, guest rooms, a steam room, and a sauna on the first floor. Two separate staircases lead to the upper level, which is home to two luxurious primary suites. Each bedroom, with its own lanai, offers stunning views of the ocean or courtyard and pool area. Above the garage, there’s a 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom ohana or caretaker’s quarters for added convenience. With parking for 6 cars plus a two-car garage, you’re sure to have plenty of room for guests. The oceanfront lawn slopes down to the sand, offering direct access to the protected reef cove known as Mama’s Beach, this area is known for frequent turtles and whale sightings. Just a short walk down the beach takes you to Mama’s Fish House, Maui’s beloved restaurant. This property is a gateway to the island’s best ocean sports, wellness, and active lifestyle–perfect for those looking to work, play, and enjoy a blue zone way of life!
131 Aleiki Pl Paia 96779 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life (W) Cell: 808-283-2222
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