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Condo in Kihei - South Maui Maui
Spectacular location and a phenomenal rental history. This 10 building, with ocean & fountain views, LARGE LANAI, has been nicely updated which generates many return visitors. The Bamboo cabinet kitchen was expanded with a large granite counter top peninsula enabling not only a lazy Susan cabinet in the corner, but back to back cabinets in the peninsula which can be used for locked owners storage. Stainless steel appliances are the finishing touch on this beautiful kitchen. The queen sized Murphy bed in living room with storage provides comfort for extra guests. Both bathrooms have been updated as nicely as the kitchen with Bamboo cabinets and granite counter tops. The oversized split system AC quietly cools the condo when needed on warm summer days. The large lanai with ceiling fan adds to the entertainment and relaxation for guests while taking in the beautiful scenery. The tankless water heater is more energy efficient with a longer life than a conventional tank heater. Floor tile throughout adds to easier care of the condo. Arguably the best building in the complex. Call your favorite REALTOR today to schedule a private showing.
2695 Kihei Rd 10-211 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop(S) Cell: 808-344-0180
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