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Condo in Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui Maui
Napili Shores is an oceanfront property with direct access to Napili Bay. Unit C215, a top-floor corner studio, features high vaulted ceilings, an ocean-view off the lanai overlooking lush tropical landscaping, and tile flooring throughout. Recent updates include a remodeled shower, newer full-size stove and microwave, reupholstered furniture, and refreshed soft goods like pillows and bedspreads. The unit includes granite countertops, and two storage spaces. A split A/C system and ceiling fans in the main room and bathroom ensure comfort year-round. C215 is part of the Outrigger rental pool with a strong vacation rental history. Built in 1973, Napili Shores spans 6.3 acres of beautifully landscaped grounds and offers resort amenities, including two pools, a spa, BBQ areas, shuffleboard, and two on-site restaurants: the Gazebo and Kitchen 5315. The property also features a surf shop and is close to Honokeana Cove, Kapalua, and Napili Plaza, offering dining and shopping options. Zoned NBCID, Napili Shores is an ideal choice for a vacation rental or personal getaway. Contact your Realtor to schedule a showing today!
5315 Lower Honoapiilani Rd C215 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Living Maui Real Estate Llc Cell: 808-359-1161
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