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Single Family Home
Kihei - South Maui
REMODELED HOME, PARK IS YOUR BACKYARD Kupalaiki Loop is a delightful neighborhood that encircles a private community park. With access limited to residents only, you can enjoy Maui’s perfect year-round climate with increased privacy. The main house has three bedrooms and 1.5 baths that are beautifully remodeled. A new kitchen with new appliances. New bathrooms with beautiful tile and fixtures. Fresh paint inside and out. The attached one-bedroom, one-bath ohana is also updated and is versatile as a rental, a primary suite, or as separate quarters for multi-generational living. With all the most expensive and challenging work completed, you can move in and put your feet up on the lanai under the shade of mature trees. The kids and pets can play safely in the fenced front yard while you admire the view of Haleakala. Gaze at the West Maui Mountains as you play fetch with the dog and the kids run free in the lush green grass - that you don't have to mow! AWAY FROM IT ALL, YET CLOSE TO EVERYTHING Located off Lipoa Avenue, this home is within walking distance of 3 schools, parks, and popular beaches. Grocery stores, popular restaurants, and coffee shops are all within 3 miles. Piilani Highway is 2 minutes away. You are 6 miles to Wailea and 12 miles to Kahului airport or Maui Memorial Hospital in Wailuku. And just 25 miles to Lahaina.
89 Kupalaiki Loop Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Monte D Fitts Realtor
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