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Condo in Kihei - South Maui Maui
This pet friendly, partial ocean view, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom+ Loft lives like a 3 bedroom and comes with a 1 car garage. Newly renovated , with quartz counter tops in the kitchen and bathrooms, freshly painted kitchen cabinets with soft close doors & drawers, new automatic shades in the living room and primary bedroom, as well as automatic shades on the lanai, new luxury vinyl flooring in the great room and newer carpet in the bedrooms, stairway and loft. The light, bright entryway as you walk through the front door adds to a feeling of tranquility. Central AC, motorized skylight in the loft, stainless appliances and a new LG washer/dryer tower as well as new high end lanai furniture are just a few of the amenities. The condo is very nicely furnished and will be sold furnished. Do not wait, call your favorite REALTOR to schedule a private showing today
26 Lolupe Ln P204 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop(S) Cell: 808-344-0180
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