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Single Family Home in Olowalu - West Maui Maui
Amazing investor opportunity to own a spacious single-family home with multiple rental/living options allowing multiple rental income opportunities. If you're dreaming of living in a quiet country atmosphere of quaint Olowalu with majestic views of the West Maui Mountains, ocean views and the tranquil Olowalu shoreline just across the highway, this unique opportunity awaits. This home lives and feels like a four-plex, it is divided into four separate apartments offering numerous rental income opportunities with two 2-bedroom 1-bath units downstairs, and two 1-bedroom 1-bath units upstairs, each with their own separate kitchens. Plus there is a studio and workshop. Stunning red wood cedar construction throughout. Conveniently located close to Olowalu General Store and Leoda's Kitchen and Pie Shop just a few minutes drive south of Lahaina Town, a country setting yet close to town for conveniences. Water sports enthusiasts will enjoy some of the best snorkeling on Maui in the 450 acres of coral gardens along the Olowalu shoreline, home to an abundance of sea life including some 350 manta rays, turtles, monk seals and more. Property is owner and tenant occupied and can be shown with appointment with 48 hours notice. Property is zoned R-3. Information may not correspond to public records. Buyers and Buyers agent to confirm all information.
837 Olowalu Rd Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Keller Williams Realty Maui-L Cell: 808-385-1528
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