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Condo in Wailea/Makena - South Maui Maui
Beachfront estate on the famed Ulua Beach in Wailea with endless ocean vistas. Spacious, quiet and private - this upgraded WaileaElua gem is located at the top of this luxurious and amenity-rich resort community. Wailea Elua is ideally located for fun in the sun. VIPfront row seats await you at the Wailea Elua beachfront pool deck with direct access to the Wailea Oceanfront Beach Path, a private andlarge pavilion equipped with a lounge area, TVs, BBQ grills, a fitness center and more. Within this gated community, enjoy additionalamenities such as a second pool, hot tub, tennis & pickleball courts and a putting green. Boasting nearly 1600 square feet of living space, this 2 bed/2 bath condo feels even more spacious with an open-floor plan allowing a seamless flow from inside to outside. The mainlanai spans the entire frontage of the condo - from coffee time perched on the bedroom lanai to sunset hour on the large covered deckoff the living room, you’ll love this tropical Maui retreat. A bonus, spacious patio off the kitchen allows for a special place under the starsto enjoy evening barbecues with friends and family. Preparing meals in the fully equipped kitchen with stainless steel appliances andoversized granite countertops makes cooking feel more like social hour. Being situated in a hotel-zoned resort, this condo currentlyoperates as a successful short-term vacation rental and will be sold turn-key with all the necessities included - just pack your toothbrushand sunscreen! The spacious garage provides ample room for a vehicle as well as extra space for additional storage of your beach toys!Walking distance to the finest in world-class dining, shopping, golf and more. Contact your favorite Realtor to set up an exclusiveshowing today!
3600 Wailea Alanui Dr 2109 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Century 21 Island Homes
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