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Kaanapali - West Maui
Enjoy the Kaanapali Beach lifestyle in this immaculate 2-bedroom/2-bath corner unit at the highly desired Kaanapali Alii Luxury Condominium Resort. This TURN KEY, fully furnished and meticulously maintained corner unit is ideally positioned on the 6th floor giving panoramic views of the West Maui Mountains, the Kaanapali Kai Golf Course, and the tops of the lush palm trees from every room. The interior has been completely renovated with tile flooring throughout, custom wood cabinetry, leathered finish granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, walk-in closet, walk-in showers and new artwork throughout. The Kaanapali Alii sits on 8 acres, perfectly situated between 36 holes of world class golf and the famous Kaanapali Beach, voted #2 Beach in the world by Conde Naste. The amenities include: 2 pools, 2 hot tubs, beachfront BBQ grills with a Grill Master, state-of-the-art fitness center with spa services, 3 clay tennis courts, a surf break right out front, open swimming, snorkeling, sailing and a short distance to shopping & dining at Whalers Village. A must see!
50 Nohea Kai Dr 4-605 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop-Kp Cell: 808-276-6443
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