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Single Family Home
Makawao/Olinda/Haliimaile - Upcountry Maui
Nestled in the enchanting landscape of Olinda, this magical property is a hidden gem that offers far more than meets the eye. Your breath will be taken away once you enter the main home with floor to ceiling windows showcasing the most amazing bi-coastal views that you may ever experience. You can almost see the earth's tilt from this extraordinary location. With an architectural wonder of a main home and multiple versatile flex spaces, it caters to a variety of living options-perfect for individuals or families seeking creative havens for their agricultural endeavors or simply to retreat, relax and enjoy the nature that surrounds you. There is a newly built outdoor Cocina that sits next to a fire pit with ocean views for days. Also included on this property are covered parking, a large workshop, a perfectly situated sauna, a true farm kitchen equipped with three full-sized sinks, walk-in cooler, greenhouses, a chicken coop with lots of egg-laying girls, magical gardens throughout and more structures that offer flexible floor plans. Advanced amenities abound, including fiber optic high-speed internet, a Tesla battery charger and owned PV panels that will ensure low electricity bills and is appealing to environmentally conscious buyers. Imagine waking up to breathtaking views of Moloka'i, Kaho'olawe, Lana'i, and the majestic summit of Haleakala, all from the comfort of your home. Owned by an architect and artist, the property is infused with unique features and artistic elements. This is a Prepper's dream property. Don't miss out on the chance to create your own paradise in this stunning location. Opportunities like this are rare and fleeting! To fully grasp the unique allure and extraordinary features this property has to offer, a personal visit is essential. This is not just a home; it's a sanctuary that invites you to embrace the magic of your surroundings.
1850 Olinda Rd Makawao 96768 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop(P) Cell: 808-264-3112
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