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Single Family Home in Kihei - South Maui Maui
Welcome to this beautiful Maui Lifestyle Home situated in the heart of Kihei located close to South Maui's sandy beaches, shopping, golf & fine dining. Located in Piilani Villages 3 this is the model E floor plan with the largest square footage in the subdivision. The home has panoramic West Maui Mountain & Haleakala Sunrise Views. The outdoor living space creates an expansive lush Tropical Oasis. The private backyard is lined with mature Areca palms, fully landscaped for low maintenance & shaded keeping it cooler. This outdoor area is great for entertaining with two covered lanais. The side yard has an Aquaponics garden, 5 raised cedar garden beds, Papaya trees, Lilikoi (passion fruit), and various herbs including Mint, Rosemary, Oregano, Parsley & your own producing Vanilla plant. Enjoy the private outdoor shower, a prayer/meditation area, a water feature, and a storage area for surfboards/kayaks & paddleboards. The interior features 4 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms with new plumbing fixtures & 2 great room living areas. The gourmet kitchen features stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, a large single under-mount stainless steel sink & a new single-handle black kitchen faucet. The home features LVP on the main floor with tile flooring in all bathrooms and tile throughout the rest of the home. It also features a 2-car garage, 21 Photo Voltaic solar systems, a Tesla backup battery, a solar hot water system, and a whole-house water filtration system. This fantastically valued home comes completely furnished and includes white plantation shutters & Bali blinds. The Listing agent is a licensed Realtor Salesperson in the State of Hawaii and one of the sellers.
11 Waihili Pl Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty Cell: 808-276-3248
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