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Single Family Home
Lahaina - West Maui
Discover your own private retreat in this beautiful modern home, designed with an open floor plan, perfectly balanced for entertaining and comfortable living. Situated on 2.75 acres at the foot of the mountains, this gated 3,697 sq ft cpr'd residence offers breathtaking ocean and mountain views. It features four ensuite bedrooms, a large room that can be closed off with pocketing doors to serve as a media room, second living room or formal dining room. Included as part of the living area is a separated 328 sq ft detached pool house, ideal for an office, guests or family and a 3 car garage with storage. The outdoor lanais total 1,430 sf that allow everyone to enjoy the outdoors off each bedroom with lanai patio's that capture the sun, breeze and ocean with island views.. Entertain by the pool and spa with a bbq and then dine on a custom made Monkeypod dining table while watching sunset. Amenities include expansive pocket doors, LED lighting, a gourmet kitchen with a walk-in pantry, three outdoor showers, and automatic sun shades to keep the lanai cool. The large master bath with wrap around shower features dual shower heads, outdoor shower, soaking tub all with stunning ocean views. This home offers the utmost privacy, nestled against Pu'u Mahanalua Nui , at the end of the cul de sac, behind the gated entry. The mature tropical landscaping creates a cozy retreat. Located just above Launiupoko Beach Park, known for gatherings, beginner surfing, and a safe keiki area for children, the neighborhood also features three miles of walking trails and a welcoming community. Embrace the lifestyle you've been dreaming of in your new home!
205 Pua Niu Way Unit A Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Compass Cell: 808-283-7214
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