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Kihei - South Maui
A home without homework! These coveted Kihei Villages ground floor units are a joy to live in. This baby has been completely overhauled, revved up and ready to live the Maui No Ka Oi lifestyle. The attention to detail has been delivered! All new appliances throughout the unit, smooth ceilings, fresh paint, everything is brand new. A Modern kitchen, modern conveniences, space saving cabinets, quartz countertops, stainless steel sink and appliances. The bathroom boasts porcelain tile, porcelain basins, five shower heads, glass enclosure, jack and jill bathrooms with its own Samsung washer and dryer. The master bedroom has a rolling barn door separating the walk-in closet, with Daikin split air conditioner and ceiling fans in all bedrooms. Excellent energy saving double paned windows, every window has been framed and updated. Waterproof Vinyl tongue and groove flooring throughout. New doors. Recessed lighting. All new electrical receptors with USB ports, outlets, with dimmer switches on all the lights. This unit is turnkey. A touch of class. Close to the Ocean, beaches, restaurants, entertainment, and groceries.
140 Uwapo Rd 54-101 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Jeff Griffin Llc
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