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Wailea/Makena - South Maui
A 'Work of Art’. A 'Legacy Property'. An ‘Equity Location’. A luxurious marriage of two Wailea Point oceanfront units at Maui's finest condominium Project! When a lifelong collector with her heart in The Arts collaborates with a world-class interior designer, & engages Maui's most accomplished condominium contractor, the result is this environment par-excellence! Upon entering, it's like being on the bow of the ship; the infinite blue Pacific fills one's heart! Two 18-foot wide bay windows afford panoramic ocean, outer island, & coastal views! Venetian-plastered surfaces soar floor-to-ceiling. An identifiable harmony exists amongst the exquisite designer materials. How does nature effortlessly generate the sensuous patterns in the golden-hued eucalyptus wood-clad beams & book-matched cabinetry? Absolute black granite counters complement the tiger-eye, black, & silvered-glass tile backsplash. One's culinary creativity is inspired by the Viking, SubZero, & Fisher-Paykel appliances. Buttery-soft white-bronze vessel sinks, beveled edge floor-to-ceiling specimen granite, & translucent windows embedded with natural elements exude elegance. The primary bedroom suite is oceanfront, & the two additional guest suites with spacious en-suite spa baths are equally luxurious. The staircase, an architectural gem rendered in exotic woods & matte stainless steel, leads to a grand mezzanine; one side, an executive office/den & the other, a family media area with a custom-designed wine cabinet. The main level den/bedroom 4 has a full bath & closet. The two upper-level loft areas both offer sleeper sofas, full bathrooms, & closet areas, thus, they can serve as sleeping areas 5 & 6. Wailea Point’s lushly landscaped 28 oceanfront acres are a gated oasis bordered by two of Maui’s finest beaches, & the Four Seasons & Fairmont Kea Lani Resorts. World-class golf, tennis, fine dining, shopping, spas, & art galleries are nearby. Two pool/spa pavilions host community gatherings & are available for the owners' private use.
4000 Wailea Alanui Dr 1202/1204 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Maui Real Estate Advisors Llc 808-875-4444
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