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Single Family Home
Wailuku - Central Maui
Enormous Breathtaking Maui Views from this Exclusive totally remodeled Wailuku Heights Residence! Nestled in a cul-de-sac just below the stunning West Maui Mountains you will experience exquisite unobstructed bi-coastal panoramic views from the North Shore, Kahului Harbor, Majestic Haleakala, and the South Coastline to Makena. 2023-2024 Remodeled home has been immaculately maintained and uniquely appointed with fantastic rare materials. New Hardwood French White Oak Floors throughout, Remodeled Primary Suite, with stunning views from private lanai, Japanese Hand Woven Cloth accent wall, Remodeled bathroom with Marble Vanity, Imported Moroccan Tile, Visual Lighting sconces and luxurious Triple Shower heads. Amazing Entertaining spaces with light bright skylights, fresh paint, all new remote controlled fans and light fixtures. Freshly painted Dream Kitchen with White Brick Porcelain Tile Backsplash, Custom made floating shelving, Brand New Carrera Granite counters, skylight, new stainless steel sink and New Kitchen Appliances. New Washer and Dryer, Remodeled Half Bath with unique Marble Vanity, Moroccan Tile, and Farrow and Ball Paint detailing. Custom aesthetic carpentry throughout including Tv Room, Custom archway closets, new 4th bedroom space, terracotta tile inlays surrounding the charming fireplace. Home also features a private lock off Office space with separate entrance. Exterior of the home is pristine and has been recently painted, landscaping is manicured to perfection! Spacious Garage with EV Charger, Basement with Bonus Washer Dryer and unique storage. This is the Remodeled Wailuku Heights VIEW home you have been searching for!
545 Iiwi Way Wailuku 96793 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop(S) Cell: 808-463-8485
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