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Condo in Kihei - South Maui Maui
Welcome to your new home in the highly sought-after Kihei Villages! This stunning 2-bedroom, 1.5-bathroom condo has undergone extensive renovations this year, making it an exquisite living space. Improvements include new waterproof flooring and baseboards, fresh paint throughout, new upgraded lighting, new kitchen cabinets with soft close doors, granite countertops, new stainless steel kitchen appliances, new bathroom vanities with marble countertops, new toilets and a solid, scratch proof, easy to clean three-piece tub surround. Kihei Villages is pet friendly and offers an array of amenities, including BBQ facilities and a clubhouse. Sugar Beach, Kihei Canoe Club, farmer's market, delightful eateries like Sugar Beach Bake Shop and Ululani's Shave Ice, ABC store, the Kihei Youth Center and dog parks are just a short walk away. Two parking stalls are included and are conveniently located right in front of the building, supplemented by ample visitor parking nearby. Don't miss out on the chance to experience this charming condo.
140 Uwapo Rd 3-201 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Pkr Realty
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